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Music Video



Thursday, 24 October 2013

Timeline of Our Music Video

Key: Ava Boyfriend Background People

Verse 1:
  1. Ava check hers appearance into the camera
  2. Ava goes and sits on the bench
  3. Ava checks her watch and waits
  4. Boyfriend walks in background people point
  5. Boyfriends sits on the bench and slides over towards Ava who gets up and sits on the other side of the bench
  6. Boyfriend hands Ava balloon and she pops/bops it
  7. Background people hold up signs of his 'lies'
  8. Boyfriend hands Ava a teddy bear which she throws over her shoulder
  9. Boyfriend hands Ava a box of chocolates which she throws over her shoulder
  10. Boyfriend hands Ava a bunch of flowers
Chorus: Choreography Background people move park scene offstage, move café scene on stage, Ava ends by thrusting/throwing flowers at camera

Verse 2:
  1. Ava unthrusts flowers at camera
  2. Ava Quickchanges
  3. Ava goes to sit at table where boyfriend is waiting
  4. Serenaders come in and sing
  5. Waiter comes in with food
  6. Ex wife comes in and pushes waiter out of the way
  7. Helper brings on 'sorry' sign
  8. Boyfriend gives card to Ava
  9. Ava looks at card and tears it up
  10. Trustfall
Chorus: Choreography, Background people move café set off stage and bring on boat set on, Tablecloth in front of camera

Verse 3:
  1. Ava quick changes
  2. Ava goes to sit in boat where boyfriend is waiting
  3. Signpost and boyfriend points at 'wrong' Ava shakes head boyfriend drops oar
  4. Ava bops boyfriend on nose
  5. Boyfriend loses balance and falls into the water
  6. Ava arm is lifted in the air like she is the champion of a wrestling match
  7. Shark swims from left to right
  8. Globe is thrown at Ava but she bops it away
  9. Ava poses cutely and wrestles shark
Chorus: All stagehands group around Ava, each taking turns to dance forward, frame brought on and everyone crowds in, bring in balloons and props

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