Music Video (left) Album Cover (right)

Music Video



Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Goodwin's Theory in our Music Video

 1. "Music videos demonstrate genre characteristics." - The alternative pop genre often features quirky and surrealist imagery in their music videos. Our music video will feature popular culture references, especially since the genre corresponds to that of mainstream pop. However, we will be deviating from mainstream music in terms of gender representation.

2. "There is a relationship between lyrics and visuals." This is arguably the most important aspect of Goodwin's theory for our music video idea, especially since we will be taking the lyrics fairly literally (for example, the reference to the "ex-wife"), as well as satirising certain lyrics ("I'll always be your little girl.")

3. "There is a relationship between music and visuals." Since the song sounds quite retro (specifically the record scratch at the beginning of the song), we have decided to develop our idea with retro/50s themes in mind. This has enabled us to amplify the music, and therefore draw influences from an era rather than a genre.

4. "The demands of the record label will include the needs for lots of close-ups of the artist and the artist may develop motifs which recur across their work (such as 'money shots', iconography and visual motifs.)" - Due to the fact that we decided to have our artist on an independent record label, we thought it would enable her to have more creative control over how she is branded as a debut artist. We thought this was important to have, as she encompasses diversity in the music industry but also is new in the industry and needs to make a name for herself as a leading woman. We also decided to give her the visual motif of a balloon, which will be featured across all marketing and promotional material, to establish a synergistic brand identity.

5. "There is frequently reference to the notion of looking and particularly voyeuristic treatment of the female body." - Rather than seeing the video through Ava's eyes, the perspective/ point-of-view is that of an audience. However we decided not to encourage the male gaze and therefore subvert the convention of female sexualisation in pop music. To a certain extent, the video could also provide a narcissistic appeal to young girls, who may see parts of themselves mirrored in her actions and/or personality.

6. "There is often intertextual reference to films, TV programmes and other music videos." - We are going to attempt to fulfil this criteria by referencing conventional romance and satirising the representation of love/ relationships in Hollywood. Examples include our sets (the bench, café and gondola) and use of props in the narrative (chocolates, teddy bears, flowers, balloons). 

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