- The red curtains at the beginning are symbolic of a theatre show, and could perhaps suggest artifice, which is supported by the use of obviously handmade props, such as the blue birds in the tree. Later on, her skipping movements also echo those of musical theatre, further reinforcing the notion of artificiality.
- Lenka is sitting on the bench by herself, in stark contrast to the couple who runs past her. This technique accentuates her loneliness and solitude, but since the lyrics narrate a certain happiness, it could suggest that she is not worried about being alone.
- The petals of the flower disappearing one by one is a popular culture reference to 'He loves me, he loves me not', which could provide another dimension to what looks like solitude, by suggesting that she is awaiting a man to love.
- Her jerky movements and moves between different settings throughout the video resemble that of a puppet, which could imply that her actions are being controlled by somebody else. This corresponds to the theme of theatre and artificiality by creating the implication that we are controlled by a superficial society.
- The cutaways to the nerdy guy on the bus are used to imply that he is a potential love interest. His character is set up as shy and nerdy through the use of semiotics such as the big glasses and the book. Although this is only implied when they are on the bus, it is later confirmed when they sit opposite each other in the restaurant. It is possible that the conventional nature of the love story is being highlighted through these scenes.
- The irony rests in her turning on the television at the end of the video, in that she wishes to watch a supposedly fictional show when she is living in one herself.

As with the video for The Show, Lenka's self-titled debut album is very vibrant and colourful, and thus represents her artist identity as youthful and easy-going.
- Similar colours to the music video are used, but in general, overly feminine colours such as pinks and purples are avoided to widen the audience.
- The notion of artifice still remains, but in a different format - in the music video, it was expressed through a musical theatre theme, whereas on the album art, the child-like drawings suggest both innocence and masking reality.
The website contrasts to the album art and music video somewhat. Whilst the previous texts avoid feminine colours, the website is almost completely pink, and the header image featuring Lenka has her dressed in pink florals. This, in comparison to the album art and video for The Show, is very feminine, which could suggest that the website is more for Lenka's primary audience of young females, whereas the music video and album art would be accessible to wider audiences, whether in shops or on YouTube.
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